Samsung lunch new 4K technology

                                                     Samsung lunch new 4K technology

4K resolution is a generic term for display devices or content having horizontal resolution on the order of 4,000 pixels.

Several 4K resolutions exist in the fields of digital television and digital cinematography. In the movie projection industry, Digital Cinema Initiatives is the dominant 4K standard.

The television industry has adopted ultra high definition television as its 4K standard. As of 2013,

Samsung UE65F9000 4K Ultra HD TV Review

The last time we analysed the first in a series of cutting-edge TV products here at HDTVTest, we took the future success of the display technology for granted, and proclaimed that the first 3D television we were putting through our review process was the beginning of a new era. The market, and subsequently, the industry, seems to have had different ideas, with CE companies instead hoping that web-connected “Smart TV” technology will be of more interest to buyers.

So, should we be more cautious before suggesting that Samsung’s Ultra High Definition (UHD) UE65F9000 LED LCD TV is a sign of things to come? Owed to Moore’s Law, probably not. Just as with the early days of HDTV, UHDTV content is scarce, but it is coming.

None of that will stop tech pundits and consumers dismayed at the thought of their current flat panel no longer being cutting edge from predicting the failure of UHD. Already, the usual reasons are being cited: “you’ll need a huge screen”, “only experts will care for the difference”, “we’ll need to buy new screens”, “there’s no content”… in other words, the exact same arguments that were floated for the refusal of 720p-centric “HD Ready” displays, and shortly thereafter, the 1080p full HD screens which followed (apparently early technology refuseniks also suffer from short-term memory issues).


The New Mahindra Duro DZ bike

                                                     The New Mahindra Duro DZ bike

Remember the MonoTracer? Well here’s another vehicle classed within the motorcycle category but an entirely different concept! The Uno, designed by the 18-year old Ben J. Poss Gulak and his team is a self-balancing motorcycle that uses a pair of gyroscopes to constantly keep its rider upright. This means it only needs a set of wheels placed together and not like any motorcycle you’ve seen. It may not look really easy to ride but apparently it’s just controlled by an on/off switch and all you need to do to accelerate is lean forward. If you lean back, it reverses too – there’s something normal motorcycles can’t do!

The one-of-a-kind motorcycle was recently demonstrated at the 2008 National Motorcycle Show in Toronto, Canada.


D-Roll laptop

one of the best type of laptop available in this world.that 's call D - Roll laptop that could be role as a bag. 

Notebooks and tablets already offer pretty convenient computing on- the - go solutions, but Germany's Orkin Design proposes rolling both units in an ultra - portable package . The Rolltop concept will take advantage of advances in flexible OLED and touchscreen technology for a cylinder - shaped laptop that can be rolled out to a laptop , a tablet or a screen to create forms . The concept has been floating around for a while , but recently a few tweaks to the design.

D - roll laptop is a next generation concept laptop design that is so different from standard laptops and shape. This computer, which was inspired by the storage tubes that artists use to keep large drawings eliminates perception of the traditional book like laptops.

                  This laptop has two modes. If it is in full operation mode , the laptop fully developed and all peripheral devices are turned on . The main display is turned off and the smaller screen , combined with the key is on, allows users to check and send e - mail as D - roll is under email mode. VC is a useful add - on to take photos or videos you create some security locking system and a laptop to offer.

Rather than carry around a laptop in a laptop bag, filled with all kinds of cables , the Rolltop concept proposes bringing everything together in a flat panel that is wrapped around a central cylinder. The top of the column is released and acts as a stopper , while the strap doubles as a power cord (presumably some sort of battery technology is also included, although this is not specified ) . The central column also contains speakers, a camera , USB ports and a LAN port .

After opening the catch , the user will roll out the Rolltop display like a mat and then leave it flat to 17 - inch tablet PC , or raise one side of what looks like a notebook. The lower part of the screen is then used to enter on a virtual keyboard on the screen while the upper part is a 13 inch screen for viewing content. A pull - out support at the back also makes it possible to use as a screen the flat device - like screen and a stylus pen is included in the panel.

          When rolled up, Rolltop be 11 inches (28 cm) long and has a 3.26 - inch (8.3 - inch ) in diameter - and that's about all we can tell you. Because it is a concept designed to be built in the future some of the technological kinks still being worked on , but Orkin has stated its desire to see a real , real-world product. Intent this design course, there are many technical hurdles to overcome before it happens , and unfortunately the designers do little to shed light on how such problems will be addressed , leaving us to wonder .

It requires no great stretch of the imagination to the various technologies already used in dual - screen notebook , all-in -one computers and cutting edge tablets processed in Rolltop visualize. Recent developments in the twisted shield technology can also make this device a current possibility. However, information on how the internal components such as processors, memory, storage and graphics cards will be dealt imminent , so it seems that we just have to wait until there is more content for this project.


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