Concept Crowd Notebook !

Computing concept of 'mass' willingness to celebrate a new form of interaction between the user and his / her PC. without opening the device, the user can check information about his / her PC status or participate in online activities with friends in a very intuitive and poetic manner. 'Crowd' on one side can be used as a typical laptop. On the other hand, the user can activate a new, playful and haptic interface for surfing the web, chat or email. Put a token on the pad activates the "interactive playground". Depending on the mode, or different sized avatars that represent online buddies gives a history of the sites you've visited. The size of avatars is determined by the frequency with which you have contacted a specific person or a specific site into the past. This interface gives the user a very clear and graphic display based on his recent online activity.

The Crowd Notebook, Schaake's take the ubiquitous compact PC brings some folded touchscreens. Notebook crowd, at least one camera on the back and a pair of USB ports. Throw in a 1500 x 999 pixel display, an audio processor and a 24 GB SSD drive, and maybe 4GB of RAM. It's a pretty sweet set.
Philipp Schaake and Fujitsu, and DA - Design Association Japan.


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