Google accept to provided google map in window phone

                                   Google accept to provided Google map in window phone

After stories suggested that rivalry, not technical matters, lay behind a redirect Maps IE mobile users increased to, company says "recent improvements" to IE mobile and Google Maps now better experience and Google will remove the redirect.

Google says that it no longer Windows Phone users access to Google Maps and that the blockade was on ensuring a good user experience, not intentionally interfere with a rival product.

The blocking generated headlines, with several news outlets to suggest that it was not about poor functionality of the side of the mobile version of Internet Explorer, but it was more about the behavior of the side of Google which, ironically, began to conduct from the past appear by Microsoft.

Google, of course, just dodged a bullet antitrust from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and it still has an investigation by the European Union.

The search and mobile OS giant said the following in a statement sent to The Next Web today


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